Course Syllabus

Syllabus: open this link for the document: 

ENL 2022 Online Syllabus (Fall 2021)

Contacting Professor Jeffries:

       Tuesdays 10:45am-2:15pm  (South Campus, T-247)
       Wednesdays 8:45-9:15am  (South Campus, T-247)

"INSTANT INBOX": I will be available by email for a quick response or a back-and-forth exchange through the Canvas "Inbox" at these times. We can also set up a live conference through Canvas. 

Mondays 5-7pm
Thursdays 9am-12noon 

EMAIL: You can send an email at any other time as well and expect a response within 24 hours.  Use your FSCJ student email account or the Canvas Inbox. Do not send emails from a personal account (gmail, etc.). 

VOICE or VIDEO CALLS: We can set up a live conference in Canvas ("Big Blue Button") in order to talk and look at material on the shared screen. I do not proofread student papers, but we can talk about specific questions and work on writing skills as needed. We can also work through reading questions that may be causing difficulty in writing about the material.

A basic overview of course policies is provided below, but students will need to open and review the full syllabus linked at the top of this page. The schedule of assignments will be maintained in the Modules area. 

session dates:  Sept. 20, 2021 - Dec. 13, 2021

class location & time: ONLINE CLASS 

attendance policy: students who skip 3 weeks of online participation cannot complete the course without a documented reason for being unable to participate during that time and an acceptable effort to catch up on missed assignments

withdrawal deadline: November 12, 2021

major assignments: 1 short paper, 1 guided reading notes assignment, proctored final exam 


(1) Norton Anthology of English Literature, package 2 (Vols. D, E, F), 10th edition

(2) Wole Soyinka, Death and the King's Horseman, Norton Critical Edition

academic integrity agreement

faculty contact:, South Campus Office T-247, 904.646.2337

final grading scale:  A = 900+  B = 800-899  C = 700-799   D = 600-699   F = below 600

NAEL vol 2     3-book set +     DKH book cover